Choosing The Best Collar For Your Dog

There are several things to keep in mind as you look for the right dog collar. Proper fit is undoubtedly the most important factor in choosing a collar,Choosing The Best Collar For Your Dog Articles as it is extremely important that the collar you choose fits your dog appropriately. As a dog trainer, I have seen many people choose a dog collar that looks good, but does not fit properly. While the color and pattern you choose is a matter of personal preference, it is important to remember that choosing your dog’s collar is not only about looks, it is about safety and comfort too.

It is too often that I see small dogs with collars that are too Cheri Honnas big or large dogs with collars intended for dogs much smaller. To ensure the collar you choose fits properly the first thing you want to do is to take two measurements of your dog’s neck. The first measurement should be taken at the base of the neck and is used when selecting standard dog collars used for walking. The second measurement should be taken at the top of the neck, just behind the ears. This measurement will be helpful when picking out dog training collars. As soon as these measurements have been obtained, it is time to go shopping and once you find the dog collar you like, place the collar on your dog and adjust it so that two fingers fit between the collar and your dog’s neck. This should prevent the collar from pulling over your dog’s head.

You now know how to measure your dog for a collar and how to properly adjust the collar to make sure it is comfortable and safe for your dog. So what about the different types of collars? Knowing what type of collar to choose for your dog is just as important as the fit. You will first want to determine if the collar is being used for training or walking purposes. In some cases, you may need more than one collar. As a dog trainer, I own and use two types of collars: a dog-training collar for training sessions and a flat buckle collar for all other activities. The guidelines below should help you choose a dog collar that not only works for you, but works for your dog as well.

The most common collar available and the best choice for most dogs are flat buckle dog collars. I especially recommend this type of collar for puppies. Flat buckle dog collars can be used as general purpose collars and come in both leather and nylon; either one is a good choice. They are typically easy to put on and come in a variety of shapes and sizes as well. They are also available from a number of manufacturers and come in patterns that fit all personalities.

Leather dog collars are also a popular choice of many dog owners. Leather collars are stylish and come in a variety of sizes and colors also. These dog collars not only look good, but are extremely durable as well. When first purchased, leather collars may be extremely stiff, but as time goes on they soften from the oils in your dogs skin. If you own a Poodle, Bichon or other dog with curly hair and are concerned about the collar causing the hair to lay flat, a rolled leather collar may be a good choice.

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